Friday, December 21, 2007

Satan is Real.

I am sort of at odds with this situation.

We are not out of debt.

Despite gut wrenching sacrifices and work....we are not out of debt.

Despite the fact that I THOUGHT God wanted us out of debt on November 30...we are not out of debt.

Did I imagine that? Am I hearing voices that resemble God's? Could explain a lot if I am.

I am disappointed.

I feel we disappointed a lot of people.

Lot's of things went wrong the last couple of months.

I sort of feel like we had a big attack by Satan and he won.

Are we so weak?

He took me down. Hard.

I feel like I am waking up from a very bad dream.

I have been living in a fog. A bad fog. Thank God the fog is lifting. Slowly. Lifting.

If you read my other blog you know that my health has been compromised the last couple of months. Compromised in a way that made it difficult for me to do simple daily tasks. As I am waking up from my fog I see that my calendar is still on October. That is when life froze for me. I find if very ironic that it is still on October. That's when I found out I was sick. That's when I quit taking the girls to their dance classes that I already PAID for but couldn't muster up the energy to get them dressed and take them. That's the last time I did our envelope system. After almost 18 months of doing it EVERY time we got paid. I couldn't do it. I did balance our checkbook. At least I did that. I am giving myself some credit.

Satan knew exactly where to get us and he got us good. We had many unexpected medical bills and prescriptions to fill. My sleeping pills alone are $50/month. The girls also BOTH got sick and had to go to the doctor and get prescriptions. Mia's allergy medicine was $50 and then we had to get them both antibiotics. Jules got sick again and had to get a stronger anti-biotic that cost $50. THEN we had to fix the Buick whose passenger side window got stuck in the "down" position. THEN we had to fix the Mazda wheel b/c somehow it got bent siting in a parking lot while we were in Chicago. This all happened in one month. The month God told me (so I thought) that we would be out of debt.

I am angry. I am embarrassed. I am sad. I am disappointed. I am hurt. I am confused. I am mad at Dave Ramsey. I am upset that I let Satan get me which affected our whole family. I feel like it is my fault. I want to take a credit card and max it out.

Did God give Satan permission to attack me like he did with Job. If so, I failed. I am not Job. Again, I am not a good test taker. I feel this is unfair. It could be worse. I know. I still have my family all intact and in one piece. Praising God for that. But it still doesn't take away my hurt and confusion and disgust, really, with the fact that we are still in debt.

Could I have done more? What could I have done, God? Why did you give us such passion and grow that passion and reward that passion only to allow it to be ripped from us the last month of our journey. I don't cry much but I can't hold back the tears on this one. I have been through a lot. Levi and I have been through a lot. I should have cable right now! That one is a real pisser.

I thought we would be rejoicing right now. Instead I am hanging my head low. I don't want to talk about it and if you have tried I'm sure you noticed that I skated right around the topic. I don't want to spread the toxins that Satan has puked up all over us. I am Debbie Downer.

I don't want anyone to doubt God. I KNOW He is in complete control. I DON'T understand what went wrong. I feel like I have been physically violated by Satan. I don't think it is coincidence that all of this CRAP happened the very SAME month that God had planned for us to accomplish this unbelievable goal. 30K in 18 months. I thought it was insane too but God continually affirmed our efforts. Were they in vain? It kind of feels like it was. I am a goal person. I set a goal which I thought GOD set for us and we didn't reach it. I don't really care anymore. I don't. I am sorry to spread this negativity but I am not going to lie and if you are attempting what we are attempting you must know that Satan can attack and will. Just don't loose. I lost. I am sorry that I can't write an amazing miracle story. I am sorry that I can't inspire you to do the same right now. I will be able to later. Just not now.

God is awesome. I know that for sure. I know He is in control. I'd just like to know if this is my fault. Did I loose? Really? Did I loose to Satan? Maybe. I sure feel like I did.

I know Satan is looking over my shoulder right now. He is here. He is reading my words. He is happy. He is laughing. He is planning his next attack.

Satan, since I know your reading this right now. Screw you. I am feeling a lot better now and your nasty toxic fog is fading. Your hold on me is slipping. You know I have distanced myself from God because of all this. Well, no more. No more of this. I am going back to him. He never left me but you led me astray. You tricked me. You made me sick and took away my desires for everything that was good in my life. Flee from me Satan. Flee from my family.


Anjolee said...

You will get there,
I know you will.

You are still an inspiration.
You will still be debt free very soon.

You haven't failed because you haven't given up.
Your trials will help someone else someday that will go through this same thing and they will feel better because you can relate to them.

I am praying.

Lexi said...

You didn't lose! You have still accomplished an amazing feat! I know that your desire was to have everything paid off and you will. You cannot help the illness that has held you back. Now you are getting better and will reach your goal soon. I know it. I will definitely be praying.

You are still an inspiration so no worries.

DesignKat said... have a right to be mad and ticked off. But I want to remember everything that you guys have accomplished before October happened. You are not a failure! Maybe God didn't want November to be the celebratory month. Perhaps the detours occured so that 2008 will be the year of celebration. That's something to think about.....
I'm sending you a hug.

Steph said...

i am sorry that evidently i was in my own little world and had NO idea of all the crap you were going through. i had NO idea...none. and i'm sorry for that.

and the on way that satan wins is if you do give up...if you do not press on toward the goal...if you do take that credit card and max it out...if you do let him take your joy.

you are an unbelievable person. press on girl press on.

Evie Evie Amber said...

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, (though our finances drown us);inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles(light and momentary my butt)are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Hang it there Connie! You are so awesome and so amazing! God makes all things glorious and that means YOU!

Tony and I are in the same financial fog. Infact I just read about the "fog" in "No Wonder They Call Him the Savior". Max Lucado is so encouraging.

Even Jesus closest friends failed. But He forgives us again and again. No worries! We will run the race, we will fight the good fight, we will keep the faith! And we will be rewarded.

Satan can drag us down all He wants; He only has access to this life and he knows it. I assume that thouroughly pisses him off. Don't forget God's promise for you! It can NEVER be taken away :)

Magic Brush said...

I am really loving your blogs.....

Remember Satan is only after your faith. And he is on a leash. God will only let him get so far with you.

You didn't fail.... you were just setback.

I had many, many health scares the past few months where words like MS and cancer were brought up. AFter test after test after test..... I am HEALTHY!!!!!!

I too feel like I just let the enemy steal my peace for many months. The dirty rat.

You go girl!